Downloading and Installing tk5
on Windows Based Systems

Version 0.6

This is experimental software and contains defects. It remains under development. When available, newer versions of tk5 will be made available for download at this web site.

Downloading and Installing tk5 for Windows

  1. Select a version of the free tcl/tk software appropriate for your computer's version of Windows from: . Download, then run the executable file to install tcl/tk software on your computer.

    It will ask you to choose a directory in which to install the Tcl/Tk software. You must install it in a new folder named Tcl on the C drive, i.e.,

  2. Create another installation folder, named C:\tk5. It will be used for the tk5 program and data files.
  3. Download the zipped version of tk5, into the C:\tk5 folder you created earlier.
  4. Unzip the file into the C:\tk5 folder after downloading it. (Note to Windows XP users: Be careful to extract the zip file into the correct folder. Windows XP defaults to the wrong folder and you must explicitly choose the correct folder.)
  5. Remove the tk5.ini configuration file if you have one left over from a previous installation.
  6. You must reboot Windows before using tk5 for the first time.
  7. To start tk5, run the C:\tk5\tk5.bat batch file.


  1. This installation procedure is the same for Windows XP, Windows 98, and Windows ME.
  2. If you create a shortcut to C:\tk5\tk5.bat, the shortcut works best if it is set up to run minimized and close on exit.
  3. Be sure to read a memory image from your radio and save it in a template (.tr5) file as a backup before making any changes.

Revised June 1, 2013